Watch This First! Welcome and Introduction to Master Seed Starting (11:43)

Welcome to Master Seed Starting! Whether you're new to the course or an alumnus who joined us in a past season, I am so excited you are here. I'd like to congratulate you on making the choice to educate yourself about starting plants from seed. I really believe it's one of the best things you can do to get a jump on the season and gain a new appreciation for the plants you are growing.

Each module will have multiple lessons in the form of videos where I share information with you through slides, images, and footage of me walking you through a concept. When you are done watching a video within a lesson, you can either move on to the next one immediately or leave a comment or question below the video. I'll hop in and answer your questions just as soon as I can.

Some modules will also have one or more bonuses that include some additional information like a downloadable PDF or extra videos. Be sure to check out each of those Bonuses. They'll be located right after the Module Summary. Those are additional tools and supplemental information that I have added to further help you master the art of seed starting.

And one important note about these videos. Not only does each video have captions, but they also have a search feature. After starting a video, hover your mouse over the top right corner of the video and click the small magnifying glass icon that appears. Type in a keyword or phrase that you want to find within that lesson. It will show you everywhere that keyword is located in the video and you can click the word or phrase to be taken right to that information.

You can also search for a term in the course and find what video lessons contain that term.

Later in this module, we have a quick tutorial on how to use both of these features.

I can't wait for you to get started, so just click the play button below for a quick introduction to what you are about to learn in Master Seed Starting.

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